A student attending therapy


A community collaborative of care providers serving Pinellas County residents.

When residents call the Wellness Connection line, they’re connected with a growing number of wellness care providers who work together to make sure they get the help they need, regardless of whether or not they have insurance.

For immediate, personalized assistance, call for free 727.791.3131

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Directions for Living

  • Adult Therapy
  • Adult Psychiatry
  • Adult Case Management
  • Group Therapy
  • Children’s Therapy
  • Children’s Psychiatry
  • Psychological Services
  • Pharmacy Services
  • Peer Support Services
  • Homeless Services
  • SOAR: SSI/SSDI Access
  • Early Childhood Consultation: Parenting Classes
  • Treatment Works: Intensive in-home services for students
  • Assisted Outpatient Treatment: Court-ordered intensive wraparound mental health services
  • System of Care: High Fidelity Wraparound Services for youth
  • BabyCAT: Reunification program for children under 5
  • Family Intensive Treatment: Intensive in-home services for parents with a substance use disorder
  • Family Works: Homeless Services for students & their families
  • Mental Health Navigators: Therapists partnered with Law Enforcement for mental health calls

Evara Health

  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Grief and Loss
  • A Traumatic Event
  • Eating or Food Issues
  • Anger Management
  • Relationships: Family or Couples
  • Addressing Substance or Alcohol Use
  • Managing Your Health: Diabetes, Blood Pressure, or Other Health Concerns


Agency for Community Treatment Services, Inc. (ACTS)

Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc (CFBHN) & FL Department of Children and Families (DCF)

  • Adult Housing
  • Mental Health
  • Substance Abuse